Research on the Development of New Energy Vehicles and Power Lithium Batteries

  • Yitong Niu
Keywords: New energy vehicles, Power lithium battery, Sustainable development


With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of people's requirements for material life, China's resources have been used in large quantities, so that China is currently facing the problems of resource shortage and environmental protection. Under such circumstances, in order to better meet people's needs, China needs to conduct more in-depth research on new energy, and strive to save energy and protect the environment as much as possible in the development process. In this paper, new energy vehicles and power lithium batteries are taken as the basic arguments, and their composition and advantages are deeply analyzed,The application and development path of lithium batteries in new energy vehicles are also emphatically discussed, and their broad development background is explored, hoping to give some help to relevant researchers.


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Original Research Article