Cultivation of Instrumental Analysis Ability for Postgraduates Majoring in Materials Science and Engineering

  • Bo Liu Yuanda Hengtong Material Co., Ltd.
Ariticle ID: 379
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Keywords: Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate Students, Instrument Analysis Ability


Materials science and engineering, as a major of materials, mainly trains students to have professional abilities in the fields of metal materials science and engineering. The major has strong theoretical basic knowledge and humanistic feelings. The major of materials science and engineering mainly studies the composition, structure, processing technology, performance and application of materials. During the research tasks of graduate students, it is necessary to test the properties of materials, characterize the morphology and structure of materials, explore and analyze the formation and preparation mechanism of materials. According to the different research directions of materials, the use and requirements of experimental instruments are different. Therefore, setting up corresponding instrument analysis courses for graduate students majoring in materials and cultivating instrument analysis ability are the key links in the training of graduate students majoring in materials science and engineering.


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How to Cite
Liu, B. (2022). Cultivation of Instrumental Analysis Ability for Postgraduates Majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. Insight - Material Science, 5(1), 379.