Fundamentals of different wind turbines for electricity generation and their modelling methods using different algorithms

  • Ranjbar Zohreh Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Qazvin Islamic Azad University
  • Shahab Jalili Sheshbahreh Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Mahsa Ghorbani Department of Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Rahim Zahedi Department of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran
  • Mansour Keshavarzzadeh Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Hossein Yousefi Department of Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran
Ariticle ID: 568
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Keywords: particle image velocimetry, darrieus, wind turbine, aerodynamics, CFD, modeling


 Increased concern for the environment has led to the search for more environment-friendly energy sources so that wind energy can be used as an endless option for human consumption. Wind turbines offer a promising solution for off-grid areas. However, they have certain drawbacks associated with different configurations. Darrieus turbine is one type that can be more efficient than other types. The poor start-up performance of Darrieus turbines is one of the critical problems restricting its development. Another problem of this kind of wind turbine is tackled by identifying the optimization parameters, such as complex flow dynamics around the system. The present article reviews modeling vertical axis turbines methods and discusses the turbine’s operation by presenting the results of these methods. In this review, the authors have attempted to compile the main aerodynamic models that have been used for performance prediction and design of straight-bladed Darrieus-type VAWT. The main object of this study is to research the advantages and disadvantages of wind turbine modeling methods, and the selection of these methods depends on the purpose of the modeling.


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How to Cite
Zohreh, R., Sheshbahreh, S. J., Ghorbani, M., Zahedi, R., Keshavarzzadeh, M., & Yousefi, H. (2023). Fundamentals of different wind turbines for electricity generation and their modelling methods using different algorithms. Insight - Energy Science, 6(1), 568.
Review Article