Application of Industry 4.0 and digital twin in the field of smart healthcare

  • Madhab Chandra Jena Mechanical Engineering, Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Ishanpur, Jajpur, Odisha 769004, India
  • Sarat Kumar Mishra Balasore College of Engineeing and Technology, Balasore, Odisha 756060, India
  • Himanshu Sekhar Moharana Hy-Tech Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,751001, India
Ariticle ID: 606
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Keywords: Industry 4.0; digital twin; IOT; precision medicine; healthcare; big data


There is an increasing need for preventive health care as well as precise diagnosis and tailored treatment of different diseases in recent years. Providing customized treatment for each patient and maximizing accuracy and efficiency are main goals of a good healthcare system. This thesis explores the integration of digital twin technology with Industry 4.0 in healthcare. Digital twins create virtual representations of physical systems, enabling real-time monitoring and tailored treatments. Key elements include the living human body, IoT, digital twin, cloud computing, and simulation. The architecture comprises data acquisition, data munging, data storage, data simulation with analytics, and user access layers. Creating a digital twin involves precise 3D modeling, representing the entire body or specific organs. A case study demonstrates real-time monitoring using wearable sensors for blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate. Data is transmitted, integrated with the digital twin, and accessible via a website with alarms for abnormal readings. While Industry 4.0 and digital twin adoption in healthcare is evolving, the architecture serves as a reference. It offers real-time data for diagnosis and treatment, with potential for advanced simulations. Challenges include automated data systems and privacy concerns. Despite limitations, this integration holds promise for precision medicine and personalized healthcare.


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How to Cite
Jena, M. C., Mishra, S. K., & Moharana, H. S. (2024). Application of Industry 4.0 and digital twin in the field of smart healthcare. Insight - Automatic Control, 7(1), 606.