Design of multi-function remote control car

  • Shoucheng Zhao
Ariticle ID: 96
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Keywords: single-chip, infrared remote control, DC power supply


With the rapid progress of computer, microelectronics and information technology, the development of intelligent
technology is getting faster and faster, higher and higher, and the application scope has been greatly expanded.
Intelligent as a modern new invention, is the future direction of development, it can be in accordance with the preset
mode in an environment in the automatic operation, does not need man-made management, can be applied to
scientifi c exploration and other purposes. Intelligent electric car is one of the embodiment. Designers can program
their software to achieve their travel, tracking, stop the precise control and detection of data storage, display, without
human intervention. Therefore, the intelligent electric car with reprogramming characteristics, is a kind of robot.
The design uses AT89C51 single-chip motor drive circuit and infrared remote control and tracking module and
infrared receiver integrated sensor designed, the use of modular design, the use of infrared remote control car forward,
back, turn left, turn right, Start and stop.


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How to Cite
Zhao, S. (2020). Design of multi-function remote control car. Insight - Automatic Control, 3(1).