Insight - Life Events <table><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;" align="justify"><em>Insight - Life Events</em> is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the PiscoMed Publishing Pte, Ltd. since 2019. The journal is an inclusive journal community working together to advance science for the benefit of society, now and in the future. It will cover primary research from any discipline within life events, science and medicine. As compared to traditional peer-reviewed scientific publishing, Insight-Life Events will not use the perceived importance of a paper as a criterion for acceptance or rejection. It will verify whether experiments and data analysis were conducted rigorously, and will leave it to the scientific community to ascertain importance, post publication, through debate and comment. Being an online-only publication will allow Insight-Life Events to publish more papers than a print journal. In an effort to facilitate publication of research on topics outside, or between, traditional science categories, it will not restrict itself to a specific scientific area.</td><td width="150px"><p><img style="margin-left: 25px; clear: both;" src="/public/journals/118/journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg" alt="" width="150" align="right" /></p></td></tr></tbody></table> PiscoMed Publishing Pte Ltd en-US Insight - Life Events <p>Authors contributing to the journal agree to publish their articles under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License</a>, allowing third parties to share their work (copy, distribute, transmit) and to adapt it, under the condition that the authors are given credit, that the work is not used for commercial purposes, and that in the event of reuse or distribution, the terms of this license are made clear.</p><p><img src="/public/site/by-nc.png" alt="" height="30px" /></p> Yoga Based Lifestyle Intervention for Improving Health and Personality <p>Background: Problems related to health and personality continues to plague many university campuses. Identifications, treatments, and interventions are often based on Western intervention, but there is a growing movement and evidence supporting the effectiveness, value, and usefulness of Eastern interventions to combat these problems. Yoga is one Eastern intervention that has been proven beneficial in promoting quality of life and wellness and can therefore make an appreciable contribution to primary prevention as well as management of lifestyle diseases.<br />Objective: To assess the efficacy of yoga program for improving health and personality among university students. Materials and methods: Sixty-six students (28 males and 38 females) undergoing 21 days yoga program with 28.03±9.38 years of mean age participated in this study. The study was organized in a university from south India with a single group pre-post design. The data was collected before and after the yoga using General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) developed by Goldberg and Gita Inventory of Personality (GIN) developed by Das.<br />Results: The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)-16 was used for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis of GHQ-28 showed 22.22% decrease (p=0.390) in somatic symptoms, 69.23% decrease (p&lt;0.001) in anxiety and insomnia, 64.52% decrease (p&lt;0.01) in social dysfunction, 35.29% decrease (p=0.099) in severe depression and 50.97%decrease (p&lt;0.001) in all medical complaints. Similarly, the statistical analysis of GIN showed 56.06% decrease (p&lt;0.01) in Tamas Guna (dull personality trait), 31.35% decrease (p&lt;0.001) in Rajas Guna (violent personality trait) and 30.81% increase (p&lt;0.001) in Sattva Guna (balanced personality trait) scores.<br />Conclusion: The present study suggests that yoga program is related with improvement in hearth and personality among university students.</p> Latha Maheswari Nagendra Hongasandra Ramarao Tikhe Sham Ganpat ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-05-15 2019-05-15 10.18282/ile.v1i1.202 Yoga for Stress Management in Environmental Health Engineering Students Being an Environmental Health Engineering (EHE) student in the age of social media and hyper connectivity can be stressful and emotionally draining. The mental and emotional well being of an EHE student is directly connected to their physical health, and yoga provides different ways to support the subtle aspects of the mind, ego, and intellect. Yoga is a mind and body practice that teaches the methods of coping with stress, finding presence, and becoming self-aware. Mahesh Narain Tripathi Sony Kumari Sham Ganpat Tikhe ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-05-15 2019-05-15 10.18282/ile.v1i1.203