Research Progress and Future Trend of Space Materials Science

  • Jiawei Yang Tianyu Gaopin Materials Co., Ltd.
Ariticle ID: 329
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Keywords: Space Materials Science, Space Environment, Ultrasonic Suspension


Space materials science is an interdisciplinary field formed by the integration of materials science and space technology. It originated from the space exploration experiment in the mid-20th century and gradually grew into materials with the rapid development of manned spaceflight.

Science is a relatively complete branch discipline. China is about to usher in its own space station era, thus providing a broader prospect for this new discipline. In this paper, the main research progress in four aspects, including physical and chemical characteristics of space environment, liquid properties and phase transition dynamics of materials under space conditions, kinematics of preparation and forming process of space materials, and regulation and control of material organization and properties in space environment, has been systematically summarized, and the future development trend of this discipline has been analyzed and prospected.


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How to Cite
Yang, J. (2020). Research Progress and Future Trend of Space Materials Science. Insight - Material Science, 3(1), 329.