Analysis of Strengthening the Application of External Wall Insulation Materials in Green Building Energy Saving Project

  • Wenxin Luo Shenzhen New Power and Material Co. Ltd.
Ariticle ID: 349
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Keywords: Energy-Saving Buildings, External Wall Insulation Materials, Application Exploration


For the development and progress direction of contemporary construction industry, greening has always been one of the most important topics, which is basically consistent with China’s guidelines on environmental protection and resource conservation, with emphasis on whether it can effectively improve the ecological environment quality in urban areas, control various hazards caused by pollution, and build a healthy urban environment for people. Nowadays, the building materials market has also developed in an all-round way, and the types of materials for exterior wall insulation are also increasing. Relatively, the practical application difficulty of various technologies in the construction industry also shows an increasing trend. In order to better highlight the important role of insulation materials for green buildings, this paper will explore the application of exterior wall insulation materials with strong energy saving in green buildings.


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How to Cite
Luo, W. (2021). Analysis of Strengthening the Application of External Wall Insulation Materials in Green Building Energy Saving Project. Insight - Material Science, 4(1), 349.