Discussion on Test and Detection Technology of Building Engineering Materials

  • Nan Tang Senmeisheng Material Co., Ltd.
Ariticle ID: 351
477 Views, 12 PDF Downloads
Keywords: Building Materials, Testing, Problem Inquiry


The quality of building materials is one of the key factors in building engineering, which has a very significant impact on the overall construction quality of building engineering. Combined with the actual needs of current construction projects and the constantly updated and developed new building materials and technologies, the inspection of construction materials also needs to be strengthened and improved. In this paper, the possible problems and the original problems of material testing in construction engineering will be discussed, aiming at providing some theoretical reference for material testing in construction engineering.


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How to Cite
Tang, N. (2022). Discussion on Test and Detection Technology of Building Engineering Materials. Insight - Material Science, 4(1), 351. https://doi.org/10.18282/ims.v3i2.351