Energy Materials

Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Section Collection Editors
Dr. K. A. Vijayalakshmi
Sri Vasavi College
Tamilnadu, India

Globalization, mobility changes, and digitization have all contributed to an increase in energy consumption, prompting the development of complex grids that can supply energy whenever and wherever it is needed. Energy storage systems (ESS) are technological setups that store energy generated from various sources for later use. These systems are designed to capture surplus energy during periods of low demand or high production and store it efficiently for subsequent use during peak demand or low production periods. Energy storage systems play a crucial role in enhancing the stability, reliability, and flexibility of electrical grids by
providing a buffer that can balance energy supply and demand. They can store energy in various forms, such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, or thermal, and release it when needed.
These systems enable better integration of renewable energy sources, improve grid resilience, and support efficient utilization of energy resources. There are various types of energy storage systems, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. Some of the most common ESS technologies include batteries, Super capacitors, Fuel cells, Solar Cells, pumped hydro storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheels, thermal storage, and hydrogen storage. Energy storage systems are instrumental in enabling the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid. Solar and wind power, for instance, are intermittent resources that depend on weather conditions. By coupling renewable energy generation with energy storage, excess energy can be captured and dispatched when needed, thus enhancing the reliability and flexibility of the electricity system.

Energy storage systems are essential for achieving a sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure. They enable the efficient utilization of renewable energy, improve grid stability, and provide backup power during outages. As technology advances and costs continue to decrease, energy storage systems are expected to play an increasingly vital role in the global energy transition, paving the way for a cleaner and more reliable energy future.

Keywords: Energy storage systems, efficient utilization, renewable energy sources, intermittent resources, sustainable energy infrastructure, global energy transition