Insight - News Media 2024-07-02T01:31:24+00:00 Managing Editor Open Journal Systems <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;" align="justify"><em>Insight - News Media</em> &nbsp;is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to stimulate debate on the interaction of innovations in media theory, media practices and media technologies. Media and technologies are interpreted in the broadest sense, to encompass digital broadcasting, the internet and online resources, and other new and emerging formats, Focus on multimedia computing and communications systems. It covers such topics as hardware and software for media compression, media storage and transport, workstation support, data modeling, and abstractions to embed multimedia in applications programs.</td> <td width="150px"> <p>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="/public/site/images/reviewer/Insight_-_News_Media_页面_1_-_副本4.jpg" alt=""></p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; eISSN: &nbsp;2661-3107</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Reflection and Exploration on Museum Propaganda and Education from the Perspective of Internet 2024-07-02T01:31:24+00:00 Nannan Jiang Under the current circumstances, museums can use new resources such as WeChat and microblog to promote various daily activities. Compared with the traditional propaganda and education model, the new method based on the Internet has many obvious advantages. It can be seen that museums are now facing new opportunities in the development of mission work. Therefore, in order to simplify the mission process of museums and improve their impact, it is necessary to integrate Internet tools closely. 2023-08-03T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## General Live Streaming Services Lead to New Uses and Gratifications 2024-07-02T01:31:10+00:00 Shiya Huang <p>The uses and gratifications theory focus on the question, “What do people do with media?” instead of “What do media do to people." Most prior gratifications researchers have concentrated on gratifications motivated by social and psychological needs. However, with the development of technology and the advent of Web 2.0, the results of early gratifications research might not cover the gratifications arising in the new digital age. So Sundar and Limperos developed an hypothesis stating that new technologies can create new gratifications, which include modality-based gratifications, agency-based gratifications, interactivity-based gratifications and navigability-based gratifications<sup> [1]</sup>. Therefore, on the basis of uses and gratifications theory, this paper seeks to explore the four types of new gratifications above taken from the general live streaming service platform DOUYU in China. <strong></strong></p> 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Adaptive State Estimation of UAV Information Physical System Under Network Attack 2024-07-02T01:30:55+00:00 Yuejuan Huang with the idea of information physics system put forward, governments, enterprises and scientific research in-stitutions have joined the research and construction of information physics system. The construction and development of information physics system is bound to be restricted by the security and privacy of information physical system, which provides theoretical reference for clearing the current security threats of information physical system and providing theoretical reference for the security and privacy protection of information physical system. UAV is an intelligent infor-mation physics system which relies on ground communication and flight control system to realize autonomous flight. The concept of IT system was first proposed by NASA in 1992. As a new intelligent system, UAV has emerged and is widely used. It is a complex system of computing, network and physical entity integration and deep cooperation. Thus, the real-time perception, dynamic control and information service of large physical system and information system can be achieved. 2023-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Research on Pear Video Information Communication Strategy 2024-07-02T01:30:40+00:00 Xin Zhang <p>From 2012 to 2015, the development of China’s short video industry has been in an exploratory period, with platforms such as Aauto Quicker, beautiful shooting and second shooting. In 2016, the development of short video in China ushered in a growth period, and the number of short video applications increased sharply, which benefited from the improvement of various mobile services, the change of audience reading habits and the capital investment of Internet giants in the short video industry. The competitive advantage of short video is that it is short and pithy, and can make users get rich content in the shortest time, which can meet the needs of users for fragmentation. With the continuous development of short video, short video applications begin to show vertical characteristics, and content production extends to vertical fields, such as food, music, beauty and information. Pear Video was launched in November, 2016, which is positioned to focus on the application of short information video, and it is also an early application of short information video in China. Studying its communication strategy has reference significance for the development of short-sighted information industry.</p> 2023-09-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##