Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of McPherson Suspension Based on Planar 1/4 Vehicle Model

  • Minghui Ye
Article ID: 121
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Keywords: suspension, modeling, McPherson suspension, multi-rigid body system, nonlinear model, simulation


The nonlinear asymmetric problem of McPherson suspension has become a challenging problem in the process of establishing the system model. This paper presents a planar 1/4-vehicle model that not only takes into account the vertical vibration of the sprung mass (chassis), but also includes: ix spring mass (wheel assembly) sliding and rotation; ii longitudinal wheel mass And its moment of inertia; iii tire damping and lateral defl ection. This dynamic kinematic model provides a solution to two important shortcomings of the traditional 1/4 vehicle model: it explains geometric modeling and tire modeling. This paper provides a systematic development of the planar model and a complete mathematical equation. This analysis model can be applied to hardware in the rapid calculation of ring applications. In addition, the model also gives a repeatable Simulink simulation implementation. The model has been compared with the actual Adams / View simulation to analyze the vibration and rebound motion of the wheel, as well as two related motion parameters: the dynamic characteristics of the camber and the pitch change.
How to Cite
Ye, M. (2019). Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of McPherson Suspension Based on Planar 1/4 Vehicle Model. Insight - Mechanics, 2(1).


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