ZA models of neutron and proton in scale electric field originated by the Planck particle

  • Bernie Yaping Zong School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
Article ID: 587
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Keywords: electricity in mass, Planck particle, matter origination, neutron structure, nucleus structure


A new ZA matter model has been established to explain why mass has the instinct property of electricity. It is shown that the pure energy particle to originate matter is an electric pulse called ZA0 and it was proved being the Planck particle. Matter formation was derived by theoretical analysis based on a suggested binary growth law of quantum mechanics. It is found that there is a smallest matter particle called as ZA1 with a same format of ZA0 but different size to form any other matter particles. Structures of electron, neutron and proton have been suggested and prediction of their mass meets experiments wonderfully. It was found that matter mass consists of two parts: one (a scale electric field) is electric pure mass coming from motion energy of the photon in minimum size and the other (the overlapped gravity field) coming from potential energy of the bent space. Sizes of basic matter particles were discussed based on the particle nature of isolated electric field. The size predictions can explain the weird experimental phenomenon that size of an electron is significantly larger than that of a neutron. It was found that electric charges in micro scale like γ-ray are represented at the zero potential nodes by opposite two momentum directions. It is shown by photoelectric effect experiments that electric force in micro by ZA model in form of light can be exchanged into the macro electric force to drive electrons in macro current. The proton ZA model can be applied to explain why many protons can be collaborated in a nucleus as the reactive binding force between protons and neutrons can overcome the electric repelling force between positive charges.

Author Biography

Bernie Yaping Zong, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
School of Material Science and Engineering
How to Cite
Zong, B. Y. (2023). ZA models of neutron and proton in scale electric field originated by the Planck particle. Insight - Mechanics, 6(1).


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