Modified Hermite Polynomials for Solving Quadratic Optimal Control Problems

  • Suha N. Shihab Appliead Sciences Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Samaa Foud Appliead Sciences Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Ariticle ID: 209
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The main purpose of this paper is the construction an explicit formula for modified Hermit function differentiation operational matrix and other new properties. Then an efficient approximate method is investigated for treating quadratic optimal control problem with the aid of the derived operation matrix. The technique essentially based on reducing the optimal problem indirectly to a system of linear algebraic equations in the expansion of unknown coefficients. The obtained numerical results are compared with the exact one.


She was born in Baghdad in 1970. He had her B.Sc., M.Sc. degrees in Applied Physics from University of Technology, Baghdad (Iraq) in 27/06/1992, 28/12/1995 respectively, and Ph.D. degree in the College of Science, Al-Mustansiriya University Baghdad (Iraq) in 04/10/2005. He has become a Lecturer in 06/03/1999, Assistant professor at 15/03/2002 and Professor at 02/05/2012. She has research gate h-index 3, Scopus h-index 1 and more than 60 published articles inside, outside Iraq. She supervised on many students (Msc. and PHD.) degrees. He was having a many research group on numerical Analysis, optimal Control Systems, and Mathematical Physics. As well as; She have a group for the characterization of semiconducting thin films and nanostructures materials especially the Optical properties with mathematical models produced by different techniques of preparation such as: Spin Coating and Dip Coating (Sol Gel), Sputtering (DC and RF), PLD, chemical bath deposition (CBD) and ....etc. In addition; I have group for the characterization of Ceramic and Polymer materials mathematically produced by many techniques like solid-state and hydrothermal. Authored more than Five books published it in Lambert Academic Publishing in 2012 in Germany. She is reviewer for many international journals. She participate in more than 12 conferences all of them outside Iraq in France, Romania, Algeria and Tunisia.


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