
Insight - Chemistry  is a truly international journal with top quality contributions. It publishes a wide range of outstanding Reviews, Minireviews, Concepts, Full Papers, and Communications from all areas of chemistry and related fields.
Insight - Chemistry  provides an excellent platform for increasing the visibility of chemistry as well as for featuring the best research from authors from around the world.  
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and electronic processing ensures accurate reproduction of text and data, plus short publication times.
The Concepts section provides nonspecialist readers with a useful conceptual guide to unfamiliar areas and experts with new angles on familiar problems.


Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Insight-Chemistry


Biomolecules including proteins, lipid, nucleic acid and organic molecules operate different types of interactions at aqueous/aqueous electrolyte solutions. The interaction of the electrolytic ions affect in different ways depending on the nature of solute and electrolytic ions. The dynamic interactions of the small molecules and ions make it difficult to understand by structural methods. Consequently various theories were developed to explain how the small molecule interacts in an environment that includes electrolytes.

The Lead Guest Editor

Sanjay Roy
