
Environmental Technology  is a leading journal for the rapid publication of science and technology papers on a wide range of topics in applied environmental studies, from environmental engineering to environmental biotechnology, the circular economy, municipal and industrial wastewater management, drinking-water treatment, air- and water-pollution control, solid-waste management, industrial hygiene and associated technologies.
Environmental Technology is intended to provide rapid publication of new developments in environmental technology. The journal has an international readership with a broad scientific base. Contributions will be accepted from scientists and engineers in industry, government and universities.


Online First

Online First, the immediate online pre-published of all accepted papers. Articles in Online First are these have been initially reviewed, initially accepted and initially typeset. But they haven’t being peer-viewed and proofreaded, also, the final date of publication hasn’t been scheduled. Individual articles and its content may differ from the final version of publication, subject to the final version.

已出版: 2018-09-19