On the Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Corporate Statistical Management

  • Lin Hu Meibang Longhe Financial Consulting Co., Ltd.
Ariticle ID: 369
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Keywords: Enterprise Management, Statistical Work, Status Quo, Main Problems, Countermeasures


Under the guidance of market economy, Chinese enterprises have developed vigorously in recent years. Based on this, the amount of data in daily operation and management of enterprises has been continuously increased. Corporate managers have paid more attention to enterprise statistics to fully understand the development of enterprises, thus effectively promoting the effective exploration and optimization of corporate statistics. However, a large number of practices have indicated that there are some deficiencies in the statistical management of enterprises in China, which in turn limits the optimization of the statistical work of enterprises. Hence, in order to further meet the needs of corporate statistical work, relevant staff should actively reflect on statistical work and formulate corresponding optimization strategies. This article analyzes the current situation of statistical management in Chinese enterprises, and puts forward corresponding optimization countermeasures, aiming at further promoting the quality of statistical work.


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