
  • Design and development of intelligent systems for real time applications


    Intelligent systems are technologically advanced machines that perceive and respond to the world around them. The development of intelligent system focuses how these system interact with human user in changing and dynamic environments. Research in intelligent systems faces numerous challenges, many of which related to extract meaningful feature,  analysis of pattern, derive intelligent information from the data or pattern, representing a dynamic physical environments efficiently and decide the strategies and behavior of intelligent systems.

    The Lead Guest Editor

    Ashutosh Upadhyay

  • Beyond deep fakes: Transforming video content into another video's style, automatically


    Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have devised a way to automatically transform the content of one video into the style of another, making it possible to transfer the facial expressions of comedian John Oliver to those of a cartoon character, or to make a daffodil bloom in much the same way a hibiscus would.

    Because the data-driven method does not require human intervention, it can rapidly transform large amounts of video, making it a boon to movie production. It can also be used to convert black-and-white films to color and to create content for virtual reality experiences.

    "I think there are a lot of stories to be told," said Aayush Bansal, a Ph.D. student in CMU's Robotics Institute. Film production was his primary motivation in helping devise the method, he explained, enabling movies to be produced more quickly and cheaply. "It's a tool for the artist that gives them an initial model that they can then improve," he added.

  • Talking to an android: Meet ERICA, she wants to listen to you


    We've all tried talking with devices, and in some cases they talk back. But, it's a far cry from having a conversation with a real person.

    Now a research team from Kyoto University, Osaka University, and the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute, or ATR, have significantly upgraded the interaction system for conversational android ERICA, giving her even greater dialog skills.

    ERICA is an android created by Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University and ATR, specifically designed for natural conversation through incorporation of human-like facial expressions and gestures. The research team demonstrated the updates during a symposium at the National Museum of Emerging Science in Tokyo.

  • Robot can pick up any object after inspecting it


    Humans have long been masters of dexterity, a skill that can largely be credited to the help of our eyes. Robots, meanwhile, are still catching up. Certainly there's been some progress: for decades robots in controlled environments like assembly lines have been able to pick up the same object over and over again.

    More recently, breakthroughs in computer vision have enabled robots to make basic distinctions between objects, but even then, they don't truly understand objects' shapes, so there's little they can do after a quick pick-up.

    In a new paper, researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), say that they've made a key development in this area of work: a system that lets robots inspect random objects, and visually understand them enough to accomplish specific tasks without ever having seen them before.
