Editorial Team


Prof. Mario D'Aniello  
University of Naples "Federico II"
Interests: Construction; Structural Analysis; Construction Engineering; Civil Engineering Materials; Construction Materials; Building; Structural Dynamics; Finite Element Analysis; Finite Element Modeling; Building Materials

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Manoj Khandelwal
Federation University Australia
Interests: Rock Mechanics; Rock Blasting and Blast Vibrations; Slope Stability, Geotechnical Properties; Soft Computing Applications in Mining
Prof. Jose C Matos
University of Minho
Interests: Life Cycle Costs; Asset Management Systems; Structural Health Monitoring and Safety Assessment / Evolved in R&D projects as well as in International Working Commissions
Dr. Mário Rui Arruda
Instituto Superior Técnico from University of Lisbon
Interests: Construction Materials; Bridge Engineering; Composites; Damage Mechanics; Computational Mechanics
Dr. S M Anas
Jamia Millia Islamia
Interests: Blast-resistant Structures; Material Modeling; Damage Assessment; Structural Performance; Finite Element Modeling; Fiber-reinforced Polymers; Load-bearing Structural Components; Ground Shock, Explosions
Prof. Dr. Xianfeng Wang
Shenzhen University
Interests: Self-healing concrete; Modelling and experiments on concrete materials and structures; Quality control of reinforced concrete structure construction; Durability of reinforced concrete structures; Analysis of heterogeneous materials
Prof. Wei Gao
Hohai University
Interests: Stability of Geotechnical Engineering; Application of Intelligent Method in Civil Engineering
Dr. Luigi Di Sarno
University of Liverpool
United Kingdom
Interests: Structural Engineering Materials; Novel Green Concrete; Lime-Based Mortar; Resilient Infrastructure
Dr. Wenkui Dong
University of New South Wales
Interests: Smart/Low-Carbon and Sustainable Cement Materials; Pavement Materials; Cfrp; Mineral-Impregnated Carbon Fibre Yarns; Solid Wastes; Self-Sensing and Self-Healing Concrete; Asphalt Materials; Structures
Dr. Pshtiwan Shakor
Sulaimani Polytechnic University
Interests: Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering Application; Additive Manufacturing; Self Compacting Concrete; 3DP of Concrete; Structural Health Monitoring; Finite Element Analysis
Dr. Alexander Strom
Research Institute of Energy Structures - branch of JSC "Hydroproject Institute"
Interests: Rivers; Engineering Geology; Geomorphological Mapping; Tectonics; Structural Geology; Geological Mapping; Geology; Sedimentology; Remote Sensing; Seismics
Dr. Manuel Pinto
Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
Interests: Quality and Sustainability in Construction; Green Construction; Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Natural Ventilation in Buildings; Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ); Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Prof. Ching-Chuan Huang
National Cheng Kung University
Interests: Static and Seismic Bearing Capacity of Footings; Slope Stability Analysis; Static and Seismic Behavior of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Structures; Hydrological-Geotechnical Inter-Discipline
Dr. Nicola Chieffo
University of Minho
Interests: Urban Vulnerability; Multi-Hazard; Seismic Vulnerability; Flood Vulnerability; Fire Vulnerability; Existing Masonry Aggregate; MCDM; Loss Estimation; Consequent Model
Dr. Sufen Dong
Dalian University of Technology
Interests: Building Materials; Cement; Concrete Material Technology
Prof. Xiaohu Yang
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Interests: Thermal Energy Storage; Solar-Aided Thermal and Cold Applications; Building Heating System; Transport in Porous Media
Prof. Marinella Giunta
University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Interests: Road Safety; Accident Analysis; Transportation Recycling; Civil Engineering; Environmental Impact Assessment; Sustainability; Surface Properties Transportation Planning; Concrete
Dr. Michele Fabio Granata
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Interests: Structural Analysis; Construction Engineering; Structural Dynamics; Construction; Finite Element Analysis; Finite Element Modeling; Civil Engineering Materials; Building; Construction Materials; Building Materials
Prof.Luciano Rodrigues Ornelas de Lima
State University of Rio de Janeiro
Interests: Composites; Steel; Civil Engineering; Structural Engineering; Construction; Finite Element Method; Concrete; Materials Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Numerical Modeling
Prof.Barış Sevim
Yildiz Technical University
Interests: Finite Element Modeling; Structural Dynamics; Earthquake Engineering; Digital Signal Processing; Structural Analysis; Finite Element Analysis; Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics; Dynamic Analysis; Construction; Numerical Modeling
Prof. Hermes Carvalho
University Federal of Minas Gerais and University of São Paulo
Interests: Steel Structures; Bridge Engineering; Composite Structures; Fatigue; Offshore Engineering
Dr. Jolanta Tamošaitienė   
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Interests: Construction; Risk; Construction and Project Management; MCDM; Civil Engineering
Prof. Baoguo Han   
Dalian University of Technology
Interests: Civil Engineering Materials; Construction Engineering; Materials; Material Characterization
Prof. Chiara Bedon   
University of Trieste
Interests: Structural Analysis; Steel Structures; Structural Design and Rehabilitation
Prof. Mehmet Cetin   
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture,Kastamonu University
Interests: Landscape Architecture; Urban Landscape Planning; Landscape Engineering; Architecture; Building Material
Prof. Kecun Zhang   
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: Wind Tunnel Testing; Transport; Wind Tunnel Modeling
Dr. Young-Suk Song   
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Interests: Geotechnical Engineering; Soil; Construction Materials; Geotechnics; Soil Analysis; Excavation
Prof. Mehmet Irfan Yesilnacar   
Harran University
Interests: Hydrogeology; Groundwater Pollution; Waste Management; Medical Geology; Geothermal Exploration
Prof. Rathish Kumar Panchrthi   
National Institute of Technology Warangal
Interests: Durability and Microstructure Analysis of Concrete; Earthquake Engineering; High Performance Mortars/Concrete; Low Cost/Alternate building Materials; Composite Materials 
Prof. Pijush Samui   
NIT Patna
Interests: Geotechnical Engineering; Earthquake Engineering; Artificial Intelligence;
Prof. Hakim Abdelgader   
University of Tripoli
Interests: Civil Engineering; Transportation Planning; Concrete
Dr. Ercan Işık
Bitlis Eren University
Interests: Tectonics; Civil Engineering; Earthquake Engineering; Building; Concrete; Structural Analysis; Construction Engineering
Dr. Dario De Domenico   
University of Messina
Interests: Concrete; Earthquake Engineering; Reinforced Concrete; Structural Dynamics; Structural Engineering; Composite Materials; Structural Control
Prof. Luigi Palizzolo   
University of Palermo
Interests: Structural Analysis; Computational Mechanics
Prof. Hee-Chang Eun 
Kangwon National University
Korea, Republic of
Interests: Structural Engineering; Architectural Engineering
Dr. Janusz Adamczyk   
University of Zielona Góra
Interests: Building Materials; Sustainable Development; Construction Technology