Influence of surcharge load on the adjacent pile foundation in coastal floodplain

  • Hao Zhang School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
  • Kai Sun School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Article ID: 312
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Keywords: soft soil foundation; surcharge load; passive pile; numerical analysis


In this paper, in order to investigate the behavior of existing piles caused by the horizontal and compression deformation of soft substratum due to backfill surcharge on coastal floodplain, three-dimensional finite element models of piles adjacent to surcharge load were established. The deformation and migration law of soft soil was analyzed. The behavior of single pile and double row pile adjacent to surcharge load were studied, in which the influence of surcharge load location, surcharge pressure, pile stiffness, and pile top constraint conditions were considered. The results show that as the position of surcharge load is closer and the surcharge pressure increases, the response (e.g. deformation and bending moment) is more obvious. With the increase of pile stiffness, the range of passive load is increased. The deformation behavior of pile body under different constraints of pile cap is significantly different. The effect of secondary bending moment caused by pile axial force is obvious and cannot be ignored. If there is a thick soft substratum, it is beneficial to improve the behavior of adjacent piles by using cement mixing pile reinforcement.

How to Cite
Zhang, H., & Sun, K. (2021). Influence of surcharge load on the adjacent pile foundation in coastal floodplain. Insight - Civil Engineering, 4(1), 312.


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