Vulnerabilities of water-energy and food nexus in cities of digital era

  • G. Fivos Sargentis School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Athens, Greece
  • Matina Kougkia School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 15780 Athens, Greece
Ariticle ID: 608
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Keywords: water-energy-food nexus; growth; technology; economy; resources; human progress; electromagnetic pulse


The edifice of civilization stands on water-energy-food nexus, speech, trading management and complexity. This paper, presents a mini review of these issues which are the foundations of civilization, and discusses their role in social prosperity. Recent year public discussion emerges that an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) could strike cities due to natural or artificial reasons therefore, we attempt to describe the impact of an EMP from the viewpoint of civil engineering. To do so, we analyze the fundamental parts of civilization in present, their roles, and their functions. Analysis estimates that an EMP will not regress cities of developed world to the 1970s or even in the Middle Ages, but rather before the agrarian era. It is noted that while the developed world will be more vulnerable, the least developed countries, could exhibit more resilience. Additionally, this paper considers the way societies and cities could demonstrate more resilience, framing the need for further research such as: technological adaptation; study and simulations of related scenarios; design of water-energy-food nexus for survival clusters; resilience measures for money, economy, communications, and trading. As we have a very small timeframe of data (less than 200 years) of the appearance and the effects of EMP, we have to study it, even if the wish is that we will never confront it. It seems unreasonable for our narcissistic and wonderful civilization to behave like ostrich hiding its’ head in the sand in order to be hidden by this threat.


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How to Cite
Sargentis, G. F., & Kougkia, M. (2024). Vulnerabilities of water-energy and food nexus in cities of digital era. Insight - Civil Engineering, 7(1), 608.