A comparative study of the pliability of 2D auxetic architectonic structures by means of CAD
Auxetic materials are a special type of materials that have a negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR): they get wider when they are stretched and they get narrower when they are compressed. In this paper a comparative study of 2D patterns of auxetic geometries, carried out by means of computer-aided design, is presented. The study consists of the development of a CAD library of auxetic geometries to apply them to architecture. The geometric behavior of the eighteen auxetic 2D patterns is tested from the developed library in order to develop a systematic comparison, analyzing relevant properties of these geometries, such as maximum achievable area reductions in relation with the total length of the bars of the structure, in order to obtain a growth factor.
Copyright (c) 2024 Ma Dolores Álvarez Elipe

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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