Nonlinear pushover analysis of the mechanical influences under the varied stories and column orientations in RC structures

  • Mo Shi School of Architecture, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
  • Yeol Choi School of Architecture, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
Article ID: 610
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Keywords: seismic analysis; nonlinear pushover analysis; RC frame; column orientations


The natural disaster of earthquakes continues to be a catastrophic issue for urban environments, especially considering the widespread existence of RC (reinforced concrete) buildings in cities around the world. The continuous demand for expanded living spaces has led to the construction of taller structures, which brings an increased vulnerability to seismic events. The dilemma lies in the profound challenges that earthquakes pose to the structural integrity of these tall RC buildings, causing significant human and economic losses. Over the past decades, numerous analytical methods have been developed to evaluate and improve structural performance under seismic conditions. Notably, nonlinear pushover analysis has become prominent for its practicality and efficient stress calculations. This research aims to disclose the complex dynamics of seismic performance in the context of RC structures. Specifically, 10 distinct RC frame structures have been classified into two groups based on different column orientations. The overall goal is to examine and understand the mechanical influences of different stories and column orientations on the seismic resistance of RC buildings. By applying nonlinear pushover analysis, this research intends to offer valuable insights into the structural behavior of these various RC frame structures, contributing to a deeper understanding of seismic vulnerabilities and effective mitigation strategies.

How to Cite
Shi, M., & Choi, Y. (2024). Nonlinear pushover analysis of the mechanical influences under the varied stories and column orientations in RC structures. Insight - Civil Engineering, 7(1), 610.


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