Fracture mechanism and ductility performances of fiber reinforced shotcrete under flexural loading insights from digital image correlation (DIC)

  • Tohid Asheghi Mehmandari Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
  • Davood Mohammadi Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran
  • Mohammadreza Ahmadi Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
  • Mehrdad Mohammadifar Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Article ID: 611
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Keywords: sustainable material; recycled fiber; reinforced shotcrete; digital image process


This paper investigates the fracture mechanism and ductility performance of fiber-reinforced shotcrete (FRS) under flexural loading through digital image correlation (DIC) analysis. The focus is on determining the optimal mix design, utilizing recycled and manufactured fibers in shotcrete through four-point bending tests. These tests reveal significant improvements in flexural strength and ductility, as well as crack resistance, attributed to the synergistic effect of both types of fiber in hybrid fiber reinforcement. Notably, the inclusion of recycled fibers from automobile tires enhances mechanical characteristics and impact resistance, contributing to environmental sustainability and cost reduction. DIC analysis offers crucial insights into crack initiation and propagation in shotcrete, highlighting the impact of fiber reinforcement on crack patterns. Manufactured fibers delay crack onset effectively, while hybridization enhances fracture characteristics, offering improved crack control and flexural strength. The study underscores the potential of hybrid fiber mixes for enhancing structural performance in tunnel support applications, emphasizing the synergistic effect of hybrid of different fiber types. Overall, the research contributes to advancing understanding of fracture behavior in fiber-reinforced shotcrete and provides practical insights for optimizing mix designs to achieve superior mechanical properties and durability.

How to Cite
Asheghi Mehmandari, T., Mohammadi, D., Ahmadi, M., & Mohammadifar, M. (2024). Fracture mechanism and ductility performances of fiber reinforced shotcrete under flexural loading insights from digital image correlation (DIC). Insight - Civil Engineering, 7(1), 611.


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