Reliability analysis and uncertainty evaluation for assessing low velocity car impacted cosmetic damage of prototyped RC bridge pier
Crashworthiness of low velocity vehicles with reinforced concrete (RC) bridge pier has become widespread scenario that warrants a continuous threat on the structural viability. Even, low velocity small car collisions creates a short duration quasi-static to dynamic effect in different damage levels from low and cosmetic to collapse, depending on energy dissipation, not generally considered in design practices, making the piers susceptible to various level of damage. Bridge piers do not always collapse upon impact, and some are kept in service without pertinent health examinations that warrant serviceability. Unfortunately, little attention has been provided to keep the post impact low to medium distressed piers in service. Medium to higher damage need a complete replacement, whereas the low to cosmetic damage needs an additional meticulous investigation. This study is an attempt to assess cosmetic damage and residual capacities of RC pier via pendulum impacts to replicate low velocity car crash scenarios. To investigate post impact performance, experimental results are captured and transformed into realistic crash scenarios. Deterministic analysis via dynamic increase factor (DIF) approach to evaluate damage index (λ) and probabilistic method via resistance reduction method (RRM) to capture the uncertainties are performed in determining residual and reduced capacity of the representative pier. To identify damage incurred from collision and identify the probability of failure (Pf), a limit state (LS) equation has been developed comprising impact load and resistance and utilized as a model to estimate reliability index (β). Both the models used are able to precisely capture reduced capacities providing a good agreement between the shear and the axial capacity which control primary resistance of the impact loads and principal serviceability respectively. This study will provide an aid to forensic structural engineers.
Copyright (c) 2024 Suman Roy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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