Interaction between roadway and sewer/water pipes

  • Kerim Hrapović Independent Researcher, 4840 Vöcklabruck, Austria
Article ID: 650
146 Views, 61 PDF Downloads
Keywords: asphalt; drinking water pipe; pavement; road damage; sewage pipe; traffic load


Sewage pipes and drinking water pipes as well as all other pipes such as gas, district heating, electricity, internet, telephone, cable TV, etc. in densely populated areas are located in the road space. Over time, the traffic loads as well as the road structure can change. In addition, the materials of the pipelines are subject to ageing processes. The consequences of leaking drinking water and wastewater pipes that lie in the body of the road can have extremely negative effects. Firstly, the wastewater contains harmful substances that must not be allowed to enter the groundwater under any circumstances. Secondly, the leaking drinking water pipes, especially a water pipe burst, cause the soil mechanical changes in the subsoil and the traffic surface pavements and can cause immense damage in the road surface or in the road body itself.

How to Cite
Hrapović, K. (2024). Interaction between roadway and sewer/water pipes. Insight - Civil Engineering, 7(2), 650.


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