Important properties of central island and median island at roundabouts

  • Kerim Hrapović Independent Researcher, 4840 Vöcklabruck, Austria
Article ID: 651
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Keywords: central island; diameter; median island; roundabout; safety; traffic


The central island and median island are very important elements of a roundabout, which strongly influence the impact on traffic and safety of road users. The central island should be designed in such a way that it is perceived as an obstacle in the approach. At roundabouts with an outside diameter of more than 35.0 m, the central island should prevent the view from the approach road straight ahead to the opposite exit. This can be achieved with various design options such as trees in the central island. The layout of the central island should be customized to suit the particular local conditions. When designing the central island, it is important to factor in the requirements of buses, along with municipal and emergency vehicles. While aesthetics is a consideration, the geometric design of the intersection is a critical aspect in roundabout planning. If sufficient space is available after considering the turning radii of key vehicles, curbs can be used to define boundaries. Alternatively, paved island sections that allow partial or full traversal can be a viable option.


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How to Cite
Hrapović, K. (2024). Important properties of central island and median island at roundabouts. Insight - Civil Engineering, 7(2), 651.