pH–Assisted Strength Gain Projection for Green Cement Mortar Composite Containing Marble Powder By-Product: Substitution and Intergrinding Methods

  • Mehmet S KIRGIZ Faculty of Architecture, University of Thrace, Edirne 22020, Turkey
Article ID: 85


This manuscript reports the effects of substitution and interground of MP on the pH of cement and bending and compressive strengths of mortar composite as well as strength projection of green mortar composite from pH of green cement. It also presents the relationships between pH of cement and strength of mortar composite to compute strength gain from pH of cement. The feature of sample made with MP–cement is examined and compared to those made with pure Portland cement– including bending and compressive strengths at 7d, 28d, and 90d, and pHs of cement. Projection of strength gain from pHs of cement is also discussed, and the numeric equations, the coefficients, and the r squares, which are essential elements of the strength projection, are given in the experimental study proficiently. Regularly, this study results indicate that the projection for strength gains of green mortar composite could be computed from pHs of green cement properly.


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How to Cite
KIRGIZ, M. S. (2019). pH–Assisted Strength Gain Projection for Green Cement Mortar Composite Containing Marble Powder By-Product: Substitution and Intergrinding Methods. Insight - Civil Engineering, 2(1), 85.