Simulation and Computational Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering
The Introduction of the Special Issue
There are several computational methods and softwares which widely used in different subjects in the field of nuclear sciences and engineering like safety, designing, etc. In this Special Issue, the computational tools are the Monte Carlo codes (MCNP, GEANT4, FLUKA, EGS5, etc.) and Finite-Elements Softwares and the scope of the special issue is applications and also validation of these tools in various subjects in the field of nuclear science.
The Research Scope of the Special Issue
·Using Monte Carlo in calculating the shields of radiation sources
·Using Monte Carlo in designing the nuclear reactors
·Using Monte Carlo in dosimetery
·Using ANSYS in calculating the charged particles trajectory in magnetic fields
·The importance of Monte Carlo in nuclear engineering
·Comparison between Monte Carlo codes and validation
The Article Title of the Special Issue
1:X-ray shielding design for medical centers using Monte Carlo
2:Radiation shielding for radioisotope sources using Monte Carlo
3:Plasma devices (n & X-ray) shielding using Monte Carlo
4:Polymeric shields for fast neutron radiation using Monte Carlo
5:Radioisotope production calculation by a neutron source (reactor, N-generator, etc)
6:Comparison of different Monte Carlo codes for a single problem
7:Application of Finite-Element softwares in nuclear related design
8:Designing a magnetic lens to focus the 10MeV electron beam using ANSYS
9:Using ANSYS or COMSOL in any problem related to nuclear engineering like; heat generation,...
Submission guidelines
All papers should be submitted via the Insight - Nuclear Science submission system:
Submitted articles should not be published or under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the field of interest of the Special Issue.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Due: December 31 , 2019
The Lead Guest Editor
Farshid Tabbakh
PhD in Particle and nuclear physics (2005) from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).Faculty member and researcher in institute of nuclear science and technology in Iran.
Guest Editors
Dr. Suffian Bin Mohamad Tajudin, university of sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
Dr. Ali Nabipour Chacoli, Nuclear science and technology research institute, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Mohammad mehdi nasseri, Nuclear science and technology research institute, Tehran, Iran