Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Insight-Sports Science


The Introduction of the Special Issue


The issue will develop arguments concerning the overlap between art and sport. It is envisaged that should confluences be found sports science will thereby be enriched. Of course, there may be contrary arguments to the effect that art and sport are radically distinct. However, drawing from aesthetics and in particular, everyday aesthetics, it could be argued that sport as an aesthetic phenomenon bears similarities with art and perhaps even vice-versa. Such a link may even be useful so far as new coaching methods are concerned and enhancing the mental focus of the athlete. There are also extra-aesthetic overlaps that can be explored, namely the common institutional base of both such disciplines (art and sport) and their relationship to say politics, economics, history and philosophy – the terrain then is inter-disciplinary.


The Research Scope of the Special Issue

·sport as art

·sport as aesthetics

·sport: mind and body

·sport and art as muscular ideology

·Interdisciplinary: Combining sport, art and science


The Article Title of the Special Issue

1:A new paradigm relating sport to art

2:Confluences between art and sport

3:A radical idea: The investigation of the overlap of art and sport

4:Sewing the divide: The humanities and sciences in art and sport

5:Art and Sport: A necessary link?


Submission guidelines

All papers should be submitted via the Insight-Sports Science submission system:

Submitted articles should not be published or under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the field of interest of the Special Issue.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Due: July 31, 2019


Call for Papers

Dear Fellow Researchers and Scholars
I have the pleasure of inviting you to submit an original article in a new and exciting forthcoming publication of piscomed Insight - sports science.
This issue will develop arguments concerning the overlap between ART and SPORT. It is envisaged that should confluences be found, SPORTS SCIENCE will thereby be enriched. Of course, there may be contrary arguments to the effect that art and sport are radically distinct. However, drawing from aesthetics and in particular so-named aesthetics of the everyday, it could be argued that sport as an aesthetic phenomenon. bear similarities with art and even vice-versa. The implications of such a link might be new coaching methods and enhancing the mental and physical focus and prowess of the athlete. 
There are also extra-aesthetic overlaps that may be explored, namely the common institutional base of both disciplines (art and sport) and their relationship to say politics, economics and history. We are also happy to accept articles that deal with the connection between SPORT and PHILOSOPHY. In other words, this issue is specifically INTER AND MULTI DISCIPLINARY. 
In sum: We welcome articles that deal with sport as (an) art; sport as aesthetic (and how that may impact sports performance); sport as an integration of mind and body (beyond dualism); sport as muscular ideology and in particular the inter-disciplinary nexus of SPORT, ART AND SCIENCE (scientific method). This promises a more holistic view of sport and knowledge in general, where science and the humanities meet, so to speak.
Please submit articles no later then July 31st 2019.
We look forward to your submission. 
kind regards,
Dr. Daniel Shorkend (on behalf of the Insight - Sport science Journal). Lead Guest Editor