Research and Development of Portable Health Monitor

  • Wenzhou Fang
  • Linghong Fan
  • Qingan Niu
Article ID: 158
Keywords: portable physiological parameters volume pulse wave integrated sensing


With the improvement of quality of life nowadays, the health requirements is also increased, the traditional health monitor has been unable to meet people's needs, in order to get real-time detection of physiological parameters, realtime understanding of the physical condition, miniature health monitor for strong research and development. This paper briefly introduces the characteristics of the traditional monitor and its research and development, and analyzes the research and development of the multi-parameter health monitor, and emphasizes the research of the body sign signal based on the volume pulse wave, and fi nally puts forward the research on the future portable health monitor, miniature monitor view, draw the portable health monitor will have a good development prospects.


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How to Cite
Fang, W., Fan, L., & Niu, Q. (2019). Research and Development of Portable Health Monitor. Insight - Sports Science, 1(1).