POST Modern Art in Relation to Sport

  • Daniel Shorkend Wizo-Ner Bloomenfeld School of Design
Article ID: 179
Keywords: postmodernism, art, sport, aesthetics, meaninglessness, inclusivity, dialectic


In this article, i develop the implications of the Post Modern "language turn" first for art and then applied to sport. The combined idea of ineffability and meaninglessness seems to pervade art and post modern sports. There is a sense of hieghtened body culture in contemporary sports that draws from a philosohical and art-aesthetic heratage. I then end with a model that suggests the dialectic between art and sport that i believe could be a sub section or parralel the better known relationship, namely that between sport and science or sports science.

Author Biography

Daniel Shorkend, Wizo-Ner Bloomenfeld School of Design
Academic, artist and freelance arts journalist with a particular research interest in the relationship between art and sport. Inter-disciplinary research encompassing the humanities and sciences. Resides in Israel.


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How to Cite
Shorkend, D. (2022). POST Modern Art in Relation to Sport. Insight - Sports Science, 4(1).