Explain and Analyze the Organic Combination Between Folk Games and Sensory Integration Training in Kindergarten

  • Weina Yin Taishan University
Article ID: 455
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Keywords: Kindergarten, Folk Games, Feeling System Training


Sensory integration training refers to an interesting exercise training correction method, which can use specific sports equipment, activity content and so on to train children’s motor ability and sensory ability prepensely and purposefully, gradually develop children’s intelligence, and help children with problems gradually return to the original normal education. From the type and content of folk games, a lot of games are very suitable for sensory integration training. It can train children’s coordination ability. Therefore, teachers need to integrate folk games and sensory integration training to help children grow up better.

How to Cite
Yin, W. (2021). Explain and Analyze the Organic Combination Between Folk Games and Sensory Integration Training in Kindergarten. Insight - Sports Science, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/iss.v3i1.455


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