Data Analyses of European Soccer

  • Yiou Wang Chengdu Foreign Languages School
Article ID: 339
Keywords: Soccer, Data Analytics, Python, Statistics


Using European soccer data sets, which contain data related to common European soccer leagues, players basic information, and teams’ goals, etc., this paper analyzes the characteristics of European soccer and players, explores data visualization regarding European soccer, and makes predictions of results of matches. Based on Python 3 and some of the packages inside, such as numpy, the author improves the data set to make it clear and user-friendly. Visualizations of data and basic statistics, including Poisson Distribution, are then utilized to determine the results. Finally, this paper analyzes the attacking and defending abilities of different leagues and teams in Europe, ascertains distributions of players’ attributes, and predicts match results by using Poisson distribution and Skellam Distribution. Generally, this paper analyzes data from leagues to matches to players. All these analyses are meaningful for the public to understand the characteristics of European soccer and the world behind the numbers.


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How to Cite
Wang, Y. (2022). Data Analyses of European Soccer. Insight - Sports Science, 4(1).