Research on Sustainable Development of Chinese Campus Football Based on SWOT Analysis

  • Hanming Li College of Physical Education, Sichuan University
  • Xingquan Chen College of Physical Education, Sichuan University
  • Song Chen College of Business, Sichuan University
  • Kai Yang College of Business, Sichuan University
Article ID: 348
479 Views, 135 PDF Downloads
Keywords: Chinese Campus Football, Leading Sports Country, SWOT Analysis, Sustainable Development


This article first shows the connotation of Chinese campus football and its significance to the development of sports and education in China, and then using literature research method and field investigation. SWOT analysis is carried out on the sustainable development of Chinese campus football. This article points out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the sustainable development of Chinese campus football, and provides a new research perspective for it.

How to Cite
Li, H., Chen, X., Chen, S., & Yang, K. (2023). Research on Sustainable Development of Chinese Campus Football Based on SWOT Analysis. Insight - Sports Science, 5(1).


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