Analysis of the internal and external loads, and technical actions of small-sided games in soccer

  • Nuno André Nunes Department of Sport and Health, Solent University, Southampton SO14 0YN, United Kingdom
  • Gavin Comber Department of Sport and Health, Solent University, Southampton SO14 0YN, United Kingdom
  • Grégory Hallé Petiot Physical Education, Laval University, Quebec G1V 0A6, Canada
  • Mathew Coley School of Education and Science, University of Gloucestershire, Gloucester GL50 2RH, United Kingdom
Article ID: 638
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Keywords: ecological dynamics; constraint-led approach; nonlinear pedagogy; training manipulation


The priority in team sport training like soccer is the acquisition and refinement of individual and group skills as well as tactics to transform the group into an effective competitive unit. To achieve these objectives, it is common for coaches to reduce both the number of players and the field dimensions to manipulate exercise intensity, catering for the specific needs of their players. The use of small-sided games (SSGs) that feature less participant has proven a practical tool for coaches, for the development of technical, tactical, and physical abilities. The objective of this paper is to conduct a review of the literature on the topic of small-sided games to analyze specific parameters such as physiological, technical, and movement duration. The effectiveness of SSGs in enhancing aerobic and anaerobic capacities as well as technical skills is often highlighted although their main benefit might be to practice decision-making and problem-solving under pressure, replicating game-like situations. Examining the psychological aspects during small-sided games, such as confidence, motivation, enjoyment, and cognitive engagement, could also provide insights into optimizing training programs and enhancing player development. In summary, small-sided games offer diverse benefits for physical, technical, tactical development in players across different age groups and skill levels for both training and/or learning purposes. Future research should thus focus on investigating the long-term effects of small-sided games on players’ physical and technical development, as well as their transfer to actual match performance.

How to Cite
Nunes, N. A., Comber, G., Petiot, G. H., & Coley, M. (2024). Analysis of the internal and external loads, and technical actions of small-sided games in soccer. Insight - Sports Science, 6(1), 638.


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