Post-retirement transition: Challenges and support strategies for professional football players

  • George Yiapanas Department of Management, School of Business, University of Nicosia, Nicosia 2417, Cyprus
Article ID: 708
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Keywords: career lifespan; professional football players; transition challenges; career longevity factors; post-football life; human resource management strategies; entrepreneurship


The career lifespan of professional football players is often notably brief, typically spanning only a few years, which presents unique challenges when transitioning to life after retirement. Despite the inevitability of this transition, many football players find themselves inadequately prepared for the abrupt change from the structured environment of professional sports to the broader, less predictable professional world. This study seeks to identify the factors influencing the duration of their sports careers, explore the various challenges when transitioning to post-football life, and offer a set of recommendations for enhancing the various support systems. The study highlights 2025s the importance of a proactive and holistic approach to career transition, advocating for integrating comprehensive support systems that address these challenges well before retirement, helping as many retired football players as possible transition into entrepreneurial roles or start new ventures. Existing programs that support this transition are examined, with findings pointing to the need for tailored guidance, continuous education, and robust mentorship as critical components of successful transition strategies. It demonstrated that Human Resource Management [HRM] strategies are crucial for helping football players adapt to post-retirement life, offering support in various areas such as skills development, mental health, re-employment prospects and career redirection. This study contributes to the broader discourse on athlete welfare and underscores the need for continued investment in support mechanisms to ensure the well-being of professional football players both during and after their careers. By focusing on these areas, the study aims to foster environments that not only prepare football players for their eventual transition but also enable them to thrive in life beyond the playing field.

How to Cite
Yiapanas, G. (2024). Post-retirement transition: Challenges and support strategies for professional football players. Insight - Sports Science, 6(1), 708.


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