Health-related fitness: Preservice physical educators attempt the model
Purpose: This study aimed to explore and describe the perceptions held by eleven preservice teachers regarding Health-Related Fitness as they learn to teach within the model to middle school students during an early field experience. It was hypothesised that issues brought up by the PTs at the beginning of the early field experience will be more self-centred (i.e., class management, preparation, curriculum and pedagogical content knowledge) and more student-centred toward the end of the early field experience (i.e., joy of student achievement, developing relationships). Method: Each PT was formally observed teaching two times for 40-60 min per session, as well as informally interviewed once for a period of approximately two hours at the conclusion of the semester. Additionally, the researcher also had dozens of conversations with each PT over the course of the semester to mentor and guide the PT through their field experience. Written data were analysed through open coding then selective coding to identify a “core category” and relate it to other categories and themes common to occupational socialization theory literature. Analytic induction was employed while documenting negative cases. Results: Most preservice teachers and middle school pupils ultimately “bought in” to Health-Related Fitness by the culmination of the early field experience and, in fact, most PT’s focus did become ore student-centred. Discussion: This exploratory study suggests that preservice teachers learn their conceptions of teaching Health-Related Fitness from a variety of different environments, contexts, and leadership figures. These personal experiences teaching Health-Related Fitness manifest themselves in preservice teachers understanding of how Health-Related Fitness content should be practiced in physical education. Physical education teacher education faculty can facilitate preservice teachers’ self-exploration through introspective and reflective practices.
Copyright (c) 2025 Colin G. Pennington

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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