Effect of short-term mindfulness training on free throw performance and thought control in novice athletes

  • Lixin Ai College of Sports Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
  • Honghai Zhao College of Sports Science, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
Article ID: 722
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Keywords: mindfulness training; free throw shooting performance; mindfulness level; thought control


Objective: This study aims to investigate the impact of short-term mindfulness-based psychological training techniques on free-throw performance in novice athletes, particularly examining their compensatory effects under auditory interference. By addressing practical challenges in basketball and enhancing athletic performance, our findings seek to offer new insights and innovative training approaches for the field of sports training. Methods: Forty participants were recruited for a 2 × 2 mixed experimental design, with auditory interference (none vs. present) as a within-subject independent variable and group (control vs. mindfulness) as a between-subject independent variable. The intervention lasted 15 min. Dependent variables included mindfulness level, free-throw performance (measured by quality score and shooting percentage), and thought control. Results: 1) Mindfulness Level: Short-term mindfulness training significantly enhanced state mindfulness. 2) Free Throw Performance: No significant improvements were observed in free-throw quality or shooting percentage following short-term mindfulness training. 3) Thought control: Short-term mindfulness training significantly increased overall thought control scores; however, no significant effects were found in its sub-dimensions. Conclusion: A 15-min short-term mindfulness intervention effectively enhanced state mindfulness and overall thought control, particularly under auditory interference. However, neither short-term mindfulness training nor auditory distractions had a direct impact on basketball free-throw performance.

How to Cite
Ai, L., & Zhao, H. (2025). Effect of short-term mindfulness training on free throw performance and thought control in novice athletes. Insight - Sports Science, 7(1), 722. https://doi.org/10.18282/iss722


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