
Insight - Veterinary Science (IVS) aims to publish articles on the studies of the prevention and treatment of livestock diseases. The health and disease prevention and control of livestock, accompanying animals (such as dogs, cats, etc.), economic wildlife, laboratory animals, ornamental animals, economic insects (such as bees, silkworms, etc.) and fish are in the category of veterinary medicine. With the development of medical and health undertakings, the category of veterinary medicine has now expanded to involved zoonotic diseases, public health, environmental protection, disease model, experimental animals, food production, and pharmaceutical industry, and formed many new edge disciplines. It has played an increasingly important role to the agricultural production and the development of biology and human medicine.

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Botanicals supplementation in animal production


Botanicals and their biologically active ingredients are known to consider important candidates to improve animal/poultry health and production. Their beneficial effects are also being reported to improve quality of animal and poultry products. Thousands of botanicals have been investigated in production animals as whole, their extracts/essential oils as well as their active ingredients in pure form; and many are being credited to a number of beneficial effcts. 

The Lead Guest Editor

Asghar Ali Kamboh

Read more about Botanicals supplementation in animal production