A Novel Clustering Approach in Wireless Sensor Network Using Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic

  • Fatemehzahra Gholami Tirkolaei 1 Rouzbahan Institute of Higher Education, Sari, Iran
  • Faramarz E. Seraji 2 Communication Technology Dept., Iran Telecom Research Center, Tehran, Iran


Wireless sensor network consists of hundred or thousand sensor nodes that are connected together and work simultaneously to perform some special tasks. The restricted energy of sensor nodes is the main challenge in wireless sensor network as node energy depletion causes node death. Therefore, some techniques should be exerted to reduce energy consumption in these networks. One of the techniques to reduce energy consumptions most effectively is the use of clustering in wireless sensor networks.

There are various methods for clustering process, among which LEACH is the most common and popular one. In this method, clusters are formed in a probabilistic manner. Among clustering strategies, applying evolutional algorithm and fuzzy logic simultaneously are rarely taken into account. The main attention of previous works was energy consumption and less attention was paid to delay.

In the present proposed method, clusters are constructed by an evolutional algorithm and a fuzzy system such that in addition to a reduction of energy consumption, considerable reduction of delay is also obtained. The simulation results clearly reveal the superiority of the proposed method over other reported approaches.

Биография автора

Faramarz E. Seraji, 2 Communication Technology Dept., Iran Telecom Research Center, Tehran, Iran
Professor Faramarz E. Seraji holds BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Communication Engineering, specializing in Optical Communication and Devices, obtained in 1983, 1985, and 1991 respectively. In 1992 he joined Optical Fiber Fabrication Co. as the Optical Fiber Production Manager and Manager of R&D, where he remained until 2003. He then joined the Iran Telecom Research Center as a member of the scientific board in the Department of Communication Technology.
He has conducted research in optical devices and communications through academic projects and supervising national projects in related subjects. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, supervised about 100 university student projects at postgraduate levels, and published 10 related textbooks. Faramarz was also a member of the Founding Board of the Optic and Photonic Society of Iran, and has been a life member of the Physical Society of Iran since 1995.


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