Assignment Algorithm of Computer Storage Management Partition and Its Implementation

  • Simin Mu
Ariticle ID: 161
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Keywords: storage management, allocation, recycling


This paper is about the algorithm of computer storage management partition and its implementation. First, we introduced the background and significance of the project, as well as the principle of technology used by the author in this project. This includes the principles of storage management, partition allocation technology and recycling technology. Then, a detailed analysis of the operating system primary storage allocation of a simple algorithm and one of its implementation., which mainly is to achieve a variable partition of the storage management allocation and recycling technology. Variable partition management usually uses a variety of methods, and our design are the first adaptive algorithm and the use of the best adaptive algorithm. Then it is followed by the test results of the system and discussion of its advantages and disadvantages. The entire storage management partition allocation algorithm and its implementation is entirely in accordance with the primary storage management of the operating system and effective use, in order to achieve a certain level of economic and technical value.


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