
Insight - News Media  is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to stimulate debate on the interaction of innovations in media theory, media practices and media technologies. Media and technologies are interpreted in the broadest sense, to encompass digital broadcasting, the internet and online resources, and other new and emerging formats, Focus on multimedia computing and communications systems. It covers such topics as hardware and software for media compression, media storage and transport, workstation support, data modeling, and abstractions to embed multimedia in applications programs.


      eISSN:  2661-3107


Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Insight - News Media


In many countries especially in the developing world, democratisation has in many instances led to conflicts among competing political parties and candidates resulting in destruction and deaths. In both democratisation and conflict the media have always known to have played significant roles. This special issues focuses on the role and impact of the media on democratisation and conflict.

The Lead Guest Editor

Frankie Asare-Donkoh

Read more about Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Insight - News Media