Some reflections on the broadcasting and hosting skills of journalists

  • Yuzao Tan China Three Gorges University, Xiling District, Yichang 443002, China
Article ID: 307
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Keywords: news; mirror reporter; hosting skills; journalist literacy


With the continuous improvement and development of television and radio, the forms of news reports have become rich and diverse. Compared with other news reporting methods, the outbound journalists have enhanced the intuitive nature of news reports by capturing the freshest news information and expressing them fluently, and this way of live reporting has gradually been widely recognized by the audience. Therefore, in the news live reporting process, the news reporters broadcast hosting skills also put forward higher requirements, this article corresponding to how to improve the news reporters broadcast hosting comprehensive literacy, put forward a few effective suggestions.

How to Cite
Tan, Y. (2019). Some reflections on the broadcasting and hosting skills of journalists . Insight - News Media, 2(1).


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