On the digital hybrid publishing model of English reference books for primary and secondary schools—A case study of foreign language teaching and research press

  • Chenluzi Liu 21st Century Publishing Group, Nanchang 330025, China
Article ID: 340
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Keywords: English reference book; hybrid publishing


English reference books occupy a large proportion in the basic educational books market, and the innovative publishing model is worth exploring. Another valuable question is the way to apply digital hybrid publishing—a new publishing model—in English reference books. In this article, the above problems are analyzed by taking the digital teaching reference products of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press as examples.


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How to Cite
Liu, C. (2021). On the digital hybrid publishing model of English reference books for primary and secondary schools—A case study of foreign language teaching and research press. Insight - News Media, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/inm.v4i1.340