Research on pear video information communication strategy

  • Xin Zhang Jincheng College of Sichuan University, Chengdu 611130, China
Article ID: 347
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Keywords: pear video; information; communication strategy


From 2012 to 2015, the development of China’s short video industry has been in an exploratory period, with platforms such as Aauto Quicker, beautiful shooting and second shooting. In 2016, the development of short video in China ushered in a growth period, and the number of short video applications increased sharply, which benefited from the improvement of various mobile services, the change of audience reading habits and the capital investment of Internet giants in the short video industry. The competitive advantage of short video is that it is short and pithy, and can make users get rich content in the shortest time, which can meet the needs of users for fragmentation. With the continuous development of short video, short video applications begin to show vertical characteristics, and content production extends to vertical fields, such as food, music, beauty and information. Pear Video was launched in November, 2016, which is positioned to focus on the application of short information video, and it is also an early application of short information video in China. Studying its communication strategy has reference significance for the development of short-sighted information industry.


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How to Cite
Zhang, X. (2023). Research on pear video information communication strategy. Insight - News Media, 6(1).