Impact of news consumption on social media during the 2024 electoral campaign in Mozambique

  • Domingos Getimane Universidade Católica de Moçambique, Nampula 3100, Mozambique
  • Rui Paulino Taula Universidade Politécnica, Maputo 1106, Mozambique
  • Bruno Miguel Ferreira Gonçalves Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal
Article ID: 668
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Keywords: news; Facebook; WhatsApp; electoral campaign; social networks; Mozambique


This scientific article discusses the consumption of news about the electoral campaign on social networks during the campaign period in Mozambique in 2024. The research was carried out on an exploratory basis, where the issue of news consumption on digital platforms was analyzed based on a bibliographical review of authors in the field, with some incidence of the approach defended by Stuart Hall’s theory of encoding and decoding. This study investigated how different social networks impact on voter interest and the circulation of information. The results reveal a significant relationship of trust in private media and information organizations, which use Facebook to access digital media and WhatsApp to disseminate and share news. Finally, it is important to note that the results achieved had the participation of 160 respondents, all of them Mozambican nationals.


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How to Cite
Getimane, D., Taula, R. P., & Gonçalves, B. M. F. (2024). Impact of news consumption on social media during the 2024 electoral campaign in Mozambique. Insight - News Media, 7(1), 668.