Data Sharing and Deposition

The publisher is committed to maintaining scientific fairness and reproducibility. We encourage authors to submit manuscripts to the journal with a data availability statement disclosed in the cover letter. The statement should provide information about the availability of the research data and any limitations or conditions associated with accessing the data.


Data Sharing

The publisher encourages authors to share their raw data and materials. During the submission stage, the raw data and materials can be submitted as a supplementary file. Also, authors should provide the source they used, so that reviewers and readers can reuse them or repeat the experiment. This is an important way to ensure transparency and fairness in scientific research.

Reviewers and editors have the right and responsibility to evaluate the correctness. If raw materials are assessed to be unscientific, the manuscript will be rejected. If there are errors in the published dataset used by the author, editors will communicate with the journal where the dataset has been published about the assessment and handling procedures. Authors should keep in mind that any data must be authentic and reliable, either from the experimental process or using a published dataset.


Data Citation

When authors reuse or remix a published dataset, they should cite the correct source and acknowledge the original authors. Authors need to properly reflect the cited source in the reference, including the necessary information such as author, title, journal name/repository name, year of publication/release, doi, etc.


Data Repository

Authors are encouraged to deposit their data or materials in a data repository. Generally, authors can find a registered database via DataCite and re3data. Also, authors are recommended to use a community database, e.g., Open Science Framework, Dryad Digital Repository, Figshare, Harvard Dataverse, Zenodo, and Science Data Bank.