How Location-Based Social Network (LBSN) Data Contribute to Contemporary Urban Development

  • Yanbo Wu The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London
  • Xiaoxiang Zhu The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London
Keywords: Social Media, LBSN Data, Data Analysis, Patterns of Human Activity, Urban Development


In recent years, social media has created a large amount of new data due to the development of Internet technologies. Scholars in related fields focus a lot on the location-based social network (LBSN) and data generated from LBSN to provide new ideas for urban development. This research analyses LBSN data advantages, including the advanced data source, diversity of LBSN platforms, and LBSN data contents. Challenges of using social media data like deviation in data samples, privacy issues and technical barrier are also covered. Last but not least, this essay will discuss the applications of LBSN data in urban design.


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