Analysis on the Issues and Current Situation of Software Project Management in China

  • Shuangxi Zhang Institute of Graduate School, SEGi University
Ariticle ID: 327
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Keywords: Software Project Management, Development Issues, Current Situation Bibliometric Method


This paper innovatively applies the methods of bibliometric and content analysis to analyze the journals in the field of software project management. It studies the overall development trend of software project management and the evolution of research hot topics from the quantitative trend and content trend, and obtains the development trend of relevant journals from 2001 to 2019. In view of this research problem, from the number of journals published, the corresponding analysis and statistics of relevant contents, the paper analyzes the development issues and the current situation of software project management in China from 2001 to 2019.


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How to Cite
Zhang, S. (2020). Analysis on the Issues and Current Situation of Software Project Management in China. Insight - Information, 2(1).